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So while it's the strongest guarantee there is - it's a guarantee you are never going to use, because you will be too happy with the results you get with our REAL pills. You will be too happy to be back in the saddle hitting home runs again like it's your honeymoon! You are going to be feeling too great to ask for your money back - you're going to want MORE pills - that's how incredible ScoreBlue is, and that's your REAL guarantee. But again, if for any reason at all you are not 100% happy - we will cheerfully give you all your money back, no questions asked.
Fake pills come into the USA every day. Border agents only stop a small fraction. Many are dangerous, and they end up being sold on websites. The danger is escalating!
All the flashy ads, claims and promises don’t mean a thing. What really matters is the medical team. Our Chief Medical Officer is Dr. Dudley Danoff, who is widely considered America’s top urologist. Your health is our number one concern, and having Dr. Danoff heading up our medical team means you are getting the best care possible.
He is referred to as the "urologist-to-the-stars" because of his many famous patients who have publicly praised him - Frank Sinatra, Gregory Peck, Johnny Carson, Johnny Mathis, Bill Maher to world-famous chef Wolfgang Puck and many other big name celebrities.